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Stories for August 25, 2003

Planning Begins For 21st Century UConn

New Housing, Classrooms In Place For Students Arriving On Campus

Recreation Facility Offers Extra Hours

Public Meeting On Landfill Scheduled For September 3

Homeland Security Conference Slated For September 25-26

Babbidge Library Extends Hours

From the President: New Additions To the Community

Stave Writing University History

Journalism Department Accredited

It's Hot: New Book Tells How To Prevent, Survive Heat Illnesses

Fiber: Friend or Foe? Researcher Says It Depends On Who You Are

New Optical Shop Opens On Health Center Campus

Harry A. Gampel, UConn Alumnus, Benefactor, Dies At 83

New Biology Seminars Offered

Edwin "Ted" Kersting, Former Dean of Agriculture, Dies

A Close Call: Health Center Administrator Helps Avert Tragedy

Talented Teens Enjoy Challenges Of Technology Program