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August 25, 2003


The following grants were received through the Office for Sponsored Programs in May. The list represents only new proposals awarded, and excludes continuations. The list of grants is supplied to the Advance each month by the Office for Sponsored Programs.

Department Principal
Sponsor Award Award Period
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plant Science Ellis, D. Atkins Foundation $50,250 10/02-9/03
Eastern Region Homeland Security/Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) Work Plan
Plant Science Musgrave, M. National Aeronautical & Space Administration $610,351 4/03-4/06
Biological and Physical Constraints on Seed Development in Microgravity
Office of the Chancellor
Institute for Materials Science Jordan, E. United Technologies-Pratt &Whitney $14,000 6/03-5/04
Piezospectroscopic Photoluminescence Measurements of Oxide Stress Phases in Vanes
Institute for Materials Science Weiss, R. National Science Foundation $90,000 6/03- 5/04
Nano-Composites Derived from Melt Blending an Ionomer and a Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer
Neag School of Education
Kinesiology Volek, J. Atkins Foundation $274,567 5/03-12/04
Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on Flow-Mediated Vasodilation of the Brachial Artery and Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Inflammation
Educational Psychology Brown, S. Conn. Dept. of Education $8,721 4/03- 6/03
Husky Educational Technology Assessment Program - North Stonington Schools
School of Engineering
Computer Science Santos, E. Advanced Research Development Agency $225,000 3/03-8/04
Modeling Analysts Through Dynamic User Modeling
Electrical & Computer Engineering Pattipati, K. Defense Advance Research Project Agency $1,151,247 3/03-5/07
Multi-Functional Models for Monitoring, Information Fusion and Option Selection for Asymmetric Threats
Conn. Transportation Institute Hudson, J. Conn. Dept. of Transportation $57,100 2/03- 6/04
New Technologies for Photolog Image and Data Acquisition
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
>Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Jockusch, E. National Science Foundation $11,182 6/03- 5/05
Dissertation Research: Testing the Parallel Speciation Hypothesis in Scincid Lizards of the Eumeces skiltonianus Species Complex
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Les, D. National Science Foundation $9,000 6/03- 8/04
Dissertation Research: Systematics of Haloragacceae R. Br. Emphasizing the Aquatic Genus Myriophyllum: Phylogeny, Hybridization & Character Evolution
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Lewis, L. National Aeronautical & Space Administration $380,823 5/03-4/06
Diversity and Comparative Physiology of Independently-Evolved Lineages of Desert Green Algae (Chlorophyta)
Molecular & Cell Biology Albert, A. National Institutes of Health $500,000 6/03-5/04
Acquisition of a 600 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Conn. Center For Economic Analysis Carstensen, F. Conn. Conference of Municipalities $35,000 7/03-9/03
Tax Burden Analysis
Communication Science Snyder, L. U.S. Dept. of State $18,573 4/03- 6/03
Meta-Analysis of Non-Center for Communication Program (CCP) Family Planning Campaigns
Mathematics Bass, R. National Science Foundation $324,190 6/03-5/06
Multidimensional Stochastic Analysis
Mathematics Gordina, M. National Science Foundation $95,942 6/03- 5/06
Stochastic Analysis in Infinite Dimensions
Physics Dobrynin, A. American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund $80,000 8/03-8/05
Theory and Computer Simulations of the Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly of Charged Macromolecules
Physics Roychoudhuri, C. National Science Foundation $89,997 7/02- 6/05
Step-II: Scientific and Technological Education in Electronics
Physics Sinkovic, B. National Science Foundation $270,000 5/03-4/06
Nano-Engineering of Magnetic Interfaces for Spin-Electronics
Psychology Maxson, S. University of California, Los Angeles $42,593 12/02-11/07
Sex Chromosome Effects on Neural Development
Sociology Glasberg, D. National Science Foundation $6,126 5/03- 4/04
Doctoral Dissertation: Pawns, Knights or Kings: Understanding the Role of Regulators in Public Policy (Graduate Assistant: Sandra Bender-Fromson)
School of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Sciences Morris, J. American Foundation for Pharmaceutical $7,500 9/02-8/03
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Fellowship
School of Social Work
Social Work Dean, H. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration $195,000 4/03-9/03
Family Stages Grant
Office of the Vice Provost for Multicultural Affairs
International Affairs Bravo-Ureta, B. Agency for International Development $17,083 1/03-6/03
Improve Capacity of Indonesia's Insurance Sector
International Affairs Cosgel, M. National Endowment for the Humanities $17,000 3/03-6/04
Understanding the Middle East, Summer Institute 2003
Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Education
Environmental Research Institute Dahmani, M. Burns & McDonnel Engineering Co. Inc. $37,450 2/03-8/03
Treatability Tests of Degradation of Chloroethanes and Chloroethenes with (A) Fenton-Type Reagent (B) Permanganate
National Undersea Research Center Auster, P. National Geographic Society $20,000 1/03-12/03
Gulf of Maine Deepwater Corals Project
National Undersea Research Center Babb, I. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration $1,595,902 1/03-12/03
The National Undersea Research Center for the North Atlantic and Great Lakes

Issue Index