Daniel Fletcher, professor and head of the Department of Animal Science, has been inducted into the International Poultry Hall of Fame.
The induction took place during the World Poultry Congress in Brisbane, Australia this summer.
Induction into the International Poultry Hall of Fame, which recognizes “dedicated contributions to poultry science and the world-wide poultry industry,” is a prestigious honor. It is limited to five people worldwide every four years, with a maximum of two per country.
Fletcher, who has a Ph.D. from the University of Florida, joined the UConn faculty in 2006. He was previously on the poultry science faculty at the University of Georgia, where he developed strong undergraduate and graduate teaching programs and a research program with significant international collaborations.
Policy impact
Fletcher’s research focus has been in the area of poultry meat and egg quality, with particular emphasis on appearance, color, texture, and shelf life.
He has also conducted research on problems in the industry, such as oily bird syndrome, egg component yields, hard-cooking eggs, and the microbiological quality of poultry meat and egg products.
His major accomplishments have been in analyzing egg yolk and broiler skin pigment, evaluating feed pigment sources, and identifying management factors that affect product color.
Fletcher’s work on the effects of early processing on the quality, color, and shelf life of fresh poultry has been of fundamental importance in responding to changing standards for animal welfare and its application to commercial slaughter practices and product quality.
Daniel Fletcher, head of the animal science department, specializes in poultry research. Photo by Frank Dahlmeyer |
This area of his research has affected both U.S. and European slaughter practices and regulatory policies.
He is the author or co-author of more than 200 refereed journal articles, book chapters, review papers, and technical articles, and has made more than 250 scientific presentations around the world.
His research on the conversion of broiler dark meat to light meat received national and international attention, in newspaper articles, Internet sites, and radio and television interviews.
Fletcher served two terms as president of the U.S. branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association, and is an active member of the Poultry Science Association.
His national recognitions include the American Egg Board Research Award, Broiler Research Award, Continental Grain Poultry Products Research Award, and Merck Award for Achievement in Poultry Science.
He has also received many teaching awards. He is a recipient of a University of Helsinki Medal for collaborative research, and in 2005, was named a Fellow of the Poultry Science Association.