The Office of Audit, Compliance, & Ethics has launched a new training program to help UConn employees better understand the University Code of Conduct and the University Guide to the State Code of Ethics.
Attending a training presentation is mandatory for all University employees.
"The University is committed to creating a culture of ethical conduct and compliance," says Rachel Rubin, director of compliance.
"The first and most important step is ensuring that the community is aware of the rules and regulations."
Training sessions, which last up to two hours, offer an overview of both the Code of Conduct and the State Code of Ethics.
Subjects covered include specific standards of behavior in certain University settings, such as laboratories, health services, and interactions with students; what is acceptable in terms of gifts to employees and what is not; rules regarding outside employment; and guidelines for reporting compliance concerns to 1-888-685-2637.
Training for Storrs and the regional campuses is conducted by Kimberly Fearney, assistant compliance officer. Virginia Pack, associate compliance officer, delivers training at the Health Center.
Online training will soon be available, Fearney says.
"We hope that sessions will be interactive and that faculty and staff will feel comfortable asking questions," Fearney says.
Frequently asked questions, which will be updated after each session, will be posted on the web.
To set up a training session, deans, directors, and department heads at the Storrs and regional campuses should call the Office of Audit, Compliance, & Ethics at 860-486-4526.
Those at the Health Center should call 860-679-3501.
"We're trying to reach as many people as possible with as much clarity as possible," says Rubin, noting that sessions are being offered in several languages.
For example, a session in Spanish has been scheduled on Dec. 7 at Shippee Hall.
Fearney says she hopes all employees will have attended the training by the end of next semester.