March 27, 2000
Nominations Sought for Edward Victor Gant Scholarships
Faculty and staff are invited to nominate students for the 2000-2001
Edward Victor Gant Scholarships. Two scholarships, each in the
amount of $1,500, will be awarded, on the bases of academic
excellence, professional potential, dedicated service and exemplary
personal integrity. One scholarship will be awarded to a graduate
student, and one to an undergraduate student for continuing
study at UConn. The scholarships are open to students from all
schools and colleges. Students may not apply directly, however.
Letters of support addressing the four criteria should be submitted
to the Office of Student Financial Services, no later than Friday,
April 7.
Bill Simpson, second from left, general manager of the UConn Co-op, speaks during
the dedication of a newsstand in the Homer Babbidge Library March 9.
Also shown are, from left: Paul Kobulnicky, Brinley Frank and Evelyn Gonzales.
Photo by Tim Peterson
Student Employees to be Recognized During April 3-7
The University will celebrate the efforts of student workers
during Student Employee Appreciation Week, April 3-7. This local
observance of National Student Employment Week is a time to
recognize the accomplishments of students who balance the demands
of work and study and the contributions they make to the University.
More than 5,000 students are employed by the University.
This year for the first time student employees will be recognized
at a University-wide Student Employee Appreciation Event, sponsored
by the Division of Student Affairs and Undergraduate Education.
The event, Husky Luau 2000, will take place on Wednesday, April
5, from 2:30 to 5 p.m. at the Basketball Courts and surrounding
area behind north campus. All student workers currently employed
by the University are invited to attend.
The planning committee requests the assistance of faculty and
staff to:
- encourage student employees to attend;
- ensure that student workers receive their invitations - invitations
and flyers will be distributed with paychecks on Thursday, March
- respond to the Student Employment Office at (860) 486-3474
with approximate numbers of student workers planning to attend,
by Friday, March 31; students are requested respond to their
If you are interested in volunteering for the event, please
contact either Kathy Larocco at (860) 486-4130 or Jane Bainbridge
(860) 486-4700. If anyone is in need of special accommodations
to attend, please contact the Dean of Students Office at (860)
486-3426. Other questions may be directed to Chris Giordano
in the Dean of Students Office at (860) 486-3426.
Graduate Student Senate Student Position Available
The Graduate Student Senate is offering a half graduate assistantship
to a qualified graduate student to work four days a week, for
a total of 10 hours a week, in the Graduate Student Senate Office,
in the Whetten Graduate Center, beginning in the fall semester.
Preference will be given to those who do not anticipate other
graduate assistantship funding. There is a possibility the position
will be renewed for the spring semester, 2001. Responsibilities
include data input, web page updates, responding to voice mail
messages and student inquiries, general office clerical responsibilitie
s, and assistance in assembling information for Graduate Student
Senate meetings. The position provides health benefits, a tuition
waiver, flexible hours, and a chance to learn more about the
University community. To apply, send a resume to the Graduate
Student Senate Office, U-6, by Friday, April 7. Interviews will
be conducted during the week of April 17.
"Alum's" Debut in Judging Amy Postponed to This Week
The episodes of Judging Amy that will feature a fictional UConn
alum, UConn diploma and other items, are expected to begin March
28. The launch of these new episodes was postponed, owing to
the basketball tournament; in the meantime, reruns have been
Please see the March 6 issue for details.