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Employees recognized for many years of service

- April 28, 2008

Employees with more than 25 years of service to the University were recognized during a special breakfast at the Alumni Center on April 22. University President Michael J. Hogan addressed them and thanked them for their work.

Those recognized were:

25 Years of Service
Roberta AmEnde
Stephen Anderson
Peter Auster
Susan Bartlett
Brenda Lee Barnes
Carl Benson
Fred Carstensen
Kim Chambers
James Champagne
Susan Chartier
Ronald Cotterill
Sandra Ek
Lois Fletcher
Roberta Frick
Ramon Fuentes
Kathleen Gadoury
Robert Gallo
Paula Grange
Paula Guay
Joseph Hannon
Bruce Hedman
Heidemarie Horner
Deborah Hubbell
Larisa Hull
Devendra Kalonia
Kathy Kammer
Neal Larrabee
Robin Lessard
Charlene Levesque
Rosebud Lovelace
Vera Maddux
Jacqueline Marshall
Venu Menon
Patricia Miller
Robert F. Miller
Noel Miller
Stuart Miller
John Nardi
James O’Neil
Steve Popovich
Robert Racicot
Francis Raiola
Jo Ann Reynolds
Dale Schillinger
Mark Sullivan
Lois Timms-Ferrara
Connie Tomecko
Leonidas Tsantiris
Margaret Tullie
Brian Usher
Thomas Weston
Frank Wunschel
Michael Zambo
Lynn Zayachkiwsky

30 Years of Service
Roger Adams
John Alexopoulos
Joel Blatt
Ronald Blicher
Thomas Bruhn
Denise Champagne

Richard M. Clark
Augustine Dellavecchia
James Dinger
John Eaton
Sherry Fisher
Terri Goldich
Edward Gromak
John Hartley
James Henkel
Lynn Hinckley
James Holzworth
Kathy Ivey
Arlene Jacobsen
Ilze Krisst
Kathleen Labbe
Lauren LeBlanc
Peter Lisiewski
Arthur Lucas
Frank McIntosh
Karen B. Miller
Joanne Moore
Kathleen Moore
Tessie Naranjo
Vanessa Nelson
Jayne Pelletier
Elizabeth Salsedo
Evelyn Schmidt
Joseph Scott
Montgomery Shaw
Cheryl Shifrin
John Silander
Ruth Simons
Ralph Snyder
Terry Tondro
Gregory Walton
Richard Weingart
Kentwood Wells
Rita Zangari

35 Years of Service
Rande-Jeanne Clark
Arthur Cosmas
Lynn Cote
Irene Covey
Charlotte Doyle
Mark Fitzgibbons
Wanda Hicks
William Karosi
Robert Knowles
Ralph Mansell
Joseph Smey
Alan Stein
Ronald Taylor
John Veiga
Francis Williams

40 Years of Service
Patricia Babcock
David Maker
George Rawitscher
Michael Turvey

45 Years of Service
Joel Kupperman

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