The Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center continues to impress the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons.
The UConn Health Center’s cancer program has won the commission’s highest possible overall rating, “three-year approval with commendation.”
This level of approval is awarded to facilities that have voluntarily committed to providing the highest level of quality cancer care and that undergo a rigorous evaluation and review of their performance.
They must undergo an on-site review every three years to maintain approval. “This further validates the work of our cancer program,” says Dr. Carolyn Runowicz, director of the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center.
“We’ve assembled a team of surgical and medical experts who have outstanding credentials and provide our patients with the same level of care that they would receive at any other major cancer center in the country.
“Our mission is to be a regional center of excellence in cancer, based on our research, clinical practice, and education,” Runowicz adds.
“This certification by the American College of Surgeons acknowledges that our multidisciplinary, comprehensive team approach has created such a center.”
The Health Center first won Commission on Cancer approval in 1977 and has maintained that status ever since.
In this latest survey period, eight other Connecticut facilities earned scores that put them in the highest tier of approval.
“This award from the Commission on Cancer is a recognition of our ongoing commitment to preventing and treating cancer,” says Dr. John A. Taylor III, who chairs UConn’s cancer committee and specializes in the treatment of urologic cancers, with a focus on bladder cancer.
According to the Commission on Cancer, patients receiving care at an approved cancer program are ensured access to:
Lori Gordon, a certified medical assistant, takes a patient’s blood pressure at the UConn Health Center’s Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center. |
Photo by Chris DeFrancesco |
- comprehensive care, including a range of state-of-the-art services and equipment;
- a multi-specialty, team
- approach to coordinate the best treatment options;
- information about ongoing clinical trials and new treatment options;
- access to cancer-related information, education, and support;
- a cancer registry that collects data on type and stage of cancers and treatment results and offers lifelong patient follow-up;
- ongoing monitoring and
- improvement of care;
- quality care close to home.
The American College of Surgeons, the world’s largest organization of surgeons, established the Commission on Cancer, a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for cancer