The Alumni Association is calling for nominations for this year's awards honoring outstanding faculty and alumni.
The awards recognize faculty and alumni who have made extraordinary contributions to the University and to society.
Faculty, alumni, former award recipients, professional colleagues, and members of the UConn community may submit nominations for the following awards:
- Faculty Excellence in Research (humanities/social sciences and sciences);
- Faculty Excellence in Teaching (undergraduate and graduate level);
- Distinguished Alumni;
- Connecticut Alumni Service;
- G.O.L.D. (Graduates of the Last Decade) Award;
- Honorary Alumni;
- University Service;
- Humanitarian Award.
Nomination forms may be downloaded from the Association's website.
A list of past award winners is also available on the website.
For more information, contact Kim Lachut at 860-486-4181 or 888-UC-ALUM-1.
The deadline to submit nominations and any supporting materials is Friday, April 6.
Individuals chosen to receive awards will be honored at a scholarship fund-raising gala in October.