The Capital Projects Planning Advisory Committee (CPPAC) will meet on Thursday, Sept. 14 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Bishop Center, Room 7.
The committee is co-chaired
by Provost Peter J. Nicholls and Barry Feldman, interim vice president and chief operating officer.
The meeting is open to the public.
The meeting will include updates on specific projects, including the classroom building that will replace Arjona and Monteith; landscaping of the Student Union quadrangle; and plans for the Depot Campus.
There will also be an update on plans by the Downtown Partnership for Storrs Center and on other construction projects.
The CPPAC was formed last semester to replace the Master Planning Advisory Committee and to provide broad-based advice to decision makers implementing 21st Century UConn capital projects at the Storrs campus.
CPPAC is advisory to the Buildings and Grounds Committee, and seeks to facilitate dialogue about the projects before decisions are made.
Members of the CPPAC, many of them appointed because of the positions they hold, include: Gregory Anderson, vice provost for research and graduate education; James Bourbeau, president of the Graduate Student Senate; Jim Bradley, executive director of architectural and engineering services; Scott Brohinsky, director of university relations and interim director of the alumni association; Jeff Hathaway, director of athletics; Robert Hudd, associate vice president of environmental and public safety; Mike Kerntke, associate vice president and chief information officer; Andrew Marone, undergraduate student; Robert McCarthy, dean of the School of Pharmacy; Rich Miller, director of environmental policy; John Saddlemire, vice president for student affairs; David Schroeder, chair of the University arboretum committee; Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith, registrar; Ted Yungclas, representing the School of Fine Arts Planning Committee; Ron Blei, Fred Carstensen, John Clausen, Maureen Croteau, John DeWolf, Jennifer Fontanella, Karla Fox, Robert Henning, Kent Holsinger, Andrew Moiseff, Kristin Schwab, and Judith Thorpe, faculty members appointed by the Senate Executive Committee; Gregory Padick, Mansfield's director of planning; and Cynthia van Zelm, of the Mansfield Downtown Partnership. Meg Malmborg, director of the Lodewick Visitors Center, and Ann Denny, director of parking services are also on the committee.
Additional CPPAC meetings will take place on Thursday, Dec. 14 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. at a location to be announced; Thursday, Feb. 15, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Bishop Center, Room 7; and Thursday, May 10, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. at the Bishop Center, Room 7.