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    February 17, 2004

Activities and Achievements

We invite faculty, including emeriti, staff, and graduate students from all campuses of the University to submit entries for Activities & Achievements. Send to

Articles & Chapters
Mark Boyer, Political Science, "Old Whine in New Bottles: Diversity and Discord in the International Studies Field," Journal of International Relations and Development, 6.4 (Dec. 2003), pp. 390-8.

Michael Butler, Political Science, graduate student, and Mark Boyer, Political Science, "Bosnian Peacekeeping and EU Tax Harmony: Evolving Policy Frames and Changing Political Processes," International Journal (2003). With Kimberly Weir, Natalie Florea, and Magnolia Hernandez, Political Science, graduate students, Butler also published with Boyer "The GlobalEd Project: Gender Differences in a Problem-Based Learning Environment of International Negotiations," Instructional Science, 31 (2003). Boyer, Butler, Florea, Hernandez, and Lin Meng, Paula Johnson, and Clarisse Lima, Educational Psychology, graduate students, and Scott Brown, Educational Psychology, also had an article, "Educating for Global Awareness: Implications for Governance and Generational Change" published in Global Change, Peace and Security (February 2004).

Carol Lewis, Political Science, "Municipal Bankruptcy and the States: Authorization to File Under Chapter," in D. Watson and W. Hassett, eds., Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices.

Kristine Nowak, Communication Sciences, "The Influence of Anthropomorphism and Agency on Social Judgment in Virtual Environments," Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 9.2 (2004). Also available at

Jeremy Pressman, Political Science, "Visions in Collision: What Happened at Camp David and Taba?" International Security 28:2 (Fall 2003), pp. 5-43.

Richard Vengroff, Political Science, and Zsolt Nyiri, Political Science, graduate student, and Melissa Fugiero, "Electoral Systems and Gender Representation in Sub-National Legislatures: Is There a National-Sub-National Gender Gap?" in Political Science Quarterly 56.2 (June 2003).

Awards & Honors
Carmen Rodriguez and Zoraida Velazquez, Cooperative Extension, have been named award winners for their volunteer work with the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, a federal program that helps families with limited resources eat a healthier diet and save money on food. They will be recognized at a celebration in Washington, D.C., on March 2.

Thomas Paterson, History, emeritus, co-editor with Michael J. Hogan, Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, 2nd edition (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Lectures & Presentations
Peter Kingstone, Political Science, presented a paper on "Institutional Constraints and Executive Strategies for Reform: The Privatization of Telecommunications in Latin America," on Oct. 28, at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University.

Other Activities
Herbert Lederer, Modern & Classical Languages, emeritus, is included in the 2004 edition of Who's Who in America.

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