Julie Rogers, Graphic Artist, Dies Julie "Jay" Rogers of Willimantic, a former graphic artist, died April 8. She was 94. Rogers was a graphic designer at University Publications from 1965 to 1976. Born in San Francisco, she was raised in Mill Valley, Calif. She studied art in San Francisco and worked as a fine artist and commercial artist for most of her life. During the past 40 years, her work has been displayed in local art exhibits and gallery shows. Her art included drawings, lithographs, etchings, photographs, and watercolors. Rogers' passions were art, her love of people, and a belief in justice for everyone. She was an independent thinker, who often found her own path from the mainstream, where she made connections with people of many different cultural heritages and racial backgrounds. She served as a mentor for many younger people developing their own ideals. She participated in the Works Progress Administration art projects during the Depression, and in the 1950s was an artist on the staff of a progressive paper, the National Guardian, in New York City. After retiring from UConn, she returned to the University to study journalism. She was a correspondent for the Willimantic Chronicle and covered news events for the towns of Chaplin and Hampton. Many of her photos were published along with her articles. Rogers is survived by her son and daughter and their families. |