March 3,
A Piece of UConn History/Ski Slope -
Picture From The Past - A University ski slope, now in
disuse, was opened in the 1960s behind the sheep barn east of
Horsebarn Hill. There were two top tows, one for beginners and
another for experienced skiers. One of the tows is seen here at the
far right in this photograph, which was taken on opening day,
February 7, 1967.
[ Photos
From University Archives ]
On an October day in 1966 President Homer Babbidge
(center) visited the site of the planned ski slope. Showing
Babbidge the site at left is Lloyd Duff, director of recreation.
With them at right is Lee Greif, then-president of the Associated
Student Government ('67 B.A. and '71 J.D.).