December 9,
The Duck Pond, now known as Swan Lake, was used
for skating and hockey in the early days of the University - and it
was also used to harvest blocks of ice for use in kitchen ice
boxes. Seen here around 1907 are students and faculty using
long-handled blades to cut the ice into blocks. In
pre-refrigeration days, the blocks were kept in an icehouse near
the pond on North Eagleville Road. They would be delivered as
needed to the college kitchen and local homes to preserve food
during the warmer months of the year.
In the background is the main college building. Known as Old Main,
it was built in 1890. It was replaced by Beach Hall as the central
administration building in 1929.
[ ABOVE ] Detail of the
photograph shows two children watching the ice cutters, who include
a student wearing a Connecticut Agricultural College jersey.
[ BELOW ] Another detail close-up shows the other
ice cutters -- a group that includes students, faculty and possibly
college staff.