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Activites & Achievements/Newsmakers
Newsmakers is a selection of UConn people and programs in the media. Most of the stories were placed by communications staff at the main campus and at the Health Center. Dr. Douglas Albreski, Internal Medicine, visited Nordstrom's with WVIT-TV30 to point out the good and the bad shoes for feet not fashion, on Nov. 14. Jon Bauer, Law, was quoted in an Oct. 14 Hartford Courant article about a new state statute that restricts employers from asking job applicants about arrests that did not lead to a conviction. Dr. Herbert Bonkovsky, Clinical Research Center, talked about the lack of information available regarding Hepatitis C on WVIT-TV30 Nov. 27. Bonkovsky also was mentioned in The Hartford Courant and the Los Angeles Times about the dangers of too much iron, on Oct. 7. Fred Carstensen, Economics, was interviewed about the state budget and possible layoffs on WATR-AM 1320 on Nov. 30. Paul Chill and Todd Fernow, Law, were quoted in a Dec. 1 article in The Hartford Courant's Northeast magazine about a woman charged in the drowning death of her young son. Sylvain DeGuise, Pathobiology, and Nancy Balcom, Conn. Sea Grant Extension, were interviewed for a story on WNPR radio examining the Long Island Sound lobster deaths. David Dzurec, Nutritional Sciences, demonstrated how to safely prepare and cook a Thanksgiving meal on WVIT-TV30 on Nov. 25. The inaugural Raymond and Beverly Sackler Music Composition Prize, which was awarded by the School of Fine Arts, was the subject of brief articles in the Nov. 14 Journal Inquirer (Manchester) and the Nov. 19 Hartford Courant. Pat Froberg, Food & Nutrition, Health Center, talked about the success of "personal" diets Oct. 31 on NBC-TV30. Dr. David Giles, Surgery, discussed gastro-reduction surgery on WTIC-TV61, Nov. 11. Sean Griffith, Law, contributed an opinion piece about the SEC's insider trading claims against Martha Stewart to the Nov. 19 issue of the Chicago Tribune. The piece also ran in The Hartford Courant on Nov. 25. Amala Guha talked about Ayurvedic medicine and healing herbs WTNH-TV8, Nov. 2. Dr. Mozefareddin Karimeddini, Digital Imaging, was featured in an interview on WNPR Radio about the distribution of potassium iodide pills to people in the vicinity of Connecticut's nuclear power plants. Mary McCormick, Conn. Poison Control Center, explained potential risks from the dodcylbenzene leak in Long Island Sound in The Hartford Courant Nov. 21. Amii Omara-Otunnu, History and UNESCO Chair in Comparative Human Rights, was quoted in an Oct. 21 Associated Press article about the United States rejoining UNESCO. An editorial in The Hartford Courant on Dec. 3 cited the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Human Rights at UConn in an article about the United States rejoining UNESCO. An in-depth interview with Sally Reis, Educational Psychology, aired on WNPR's Morning Edition and the Faith Middleton show during November. Joseph Renzulli, National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented, was interviewed by The Boston Globe for an article on teaching gifted students amid budget cuts. The story was published Dec. 1. Dr. Ted Rosenkrantz, and Cathy Daguio, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, were quoted in a feature article on the NICU in the Nov. issue of Parent magazine. Dr. David Rowe, Genetics & Developmental Biology, and his research on brittle bone disease were featured in a program on the Discovery Channel called Children of Glass, on Oct. 23. Throughout November, Peter Scheifele, Animal Sciences, and his research on air-fed deer whistles were featured in reports that aired on WTNH-TV8, WABI-TV (Maine), WMTW-TV (Maine), The Boston Globe, The Hartford Courant, Associated Press, Newsday, The Providence Journal, Danbury News Times, York (ME) Daily Record, Arizona Republic, The Herald News, WCBS radio, Dr. John Shanley, Infectious Disease, discussed the smallpox virus and vaccine Dec. 1 on WB-20's "Beyond the Headlines." Shanley also talked about bubonic plague and its victims in New York on WVIT-TV30 on Nov. 7. Drs. Karen Steinberg and Susan Sampl, Psychiatry, discussed dealing with loss with Colin McEnroe on WTIC-AM radio, for a special broadcast with unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate Bill Curry. Steinberg also discussed the pros and cons of stay-at-home moms and working moms on WVIT-TV30 Nov. 25. An interview with Robert Stephens, Institute for African American Studies, about his research trip to Cuba aired on Connecticut Public Radio on Oct. 4. Robert Thorson, Geology & Geophysics, contributed an opinion piece on New England's stone walls to The Boston Globe and Connecticut Preservation News. His book, Stone by Stone, was featured in The Hartford Courant in an editorial on Nov. 10, in a column Oct. 24, an article Oct. 23; and in the Providence Journal review. Terry Tondro, Law, was quoted in an article about the town of Manchester's proposal to take private property for public use in the Oct. 2 The Hartford Courant. The comparative human rights conference sponsored by the UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights was the subject of articles in the Oct. 23 Hartford Courant and the Oct. 19 Journal Inquirer (Manchester). A speech attorney Ed Fagan delivered at the conference was the subject of a column in the Oct. 26 issue of The Hartford Courant. Keynote speaker Judge Dikgang Moseneke was interviewed about the conference on the Voice of America on Oct. 22. Ahmed Kathrada's lecture at the conference was taped and aired repeatedly on the Connecticut Network throughout November and December. Kristen Zarfos discussed news reports about the efficacy of mammography and breast self-exams on WTNH-TV8, on Oct. 3. Quing Zhu, Engineering, and her breast cancer detection device undergoing clinical trials at the Health Center were featured in a story on NBC-TV30 on Nov. 26. |