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Faculty Hired to Fill Key
Research and Teaching Positions By Richard Veilleux Eighty-five new professors have been brought on board at the University's Storrs-based programs, filling key research and teaching slots created by retirements or attrition, and ensuring that sufficient classes will be available for the University's nearly 14,000 undergraduate students. Despite a stumbling state economy and legislative cuts to the University's operating budget, funding also has been reallocated among departments to, among other things, hire seven new academic advisors to decrease the student-advisor ratio, and hire 10 resident assistant professors to teach high-demand courses, often taken by freshmen, keeping class sizes constant. "During the past seven years, partly as a result of UConn 2000 but more fundamentally due to the strength of our teaching, scholarship and service programs, we have attained extraordinary success in meeting our goals," President Philip E. Austin told the Board of Trustees in August. "Enrollment is up dramatically. The faculty's research attracts worldwide notice and contributes directly or indirectly to Connecticut's economic growth, health care, and quality of life. And UConn's national rankings continue to climb." Budget reallocations also have enabled the hiring of faculty to bolster the Fuel Cell Research Center, located on the Depot Campus, and the Center for Regenerative Biology, located in the just-completed section of the agricultural biotechnology building, identified as centers of research excellence. New faculty joining the Storrs-based programs and the Schools of Social Work and Law this fall are: Jorgelina Abbate, asst. prof., curriculum & instruction; Ph.D., Boston College; specialty: school reform V. Bede Agocha, asst. prof., psychology; Ph.D., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia; specialty: social psychology Maria Armendariz, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., New York Univ.; specialty: probability Sulin Ba, assoc. prof., operations & information management; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas; specialty: information systems Amyrossios Bagtzoglou, assoc. prof., civil & environmental engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of California; specialty: water resources Ted Baker, asst. prof., management; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina; specialty: entrepreneurship Sherry Bassi, asst. prof., nursing; Ed.D, Univ. of Sarasota; specialty: community health/addictions Robert Bifulco, asst. prof., political science; Ph.D., Syracuse Univ.; specialty: education policy, public finance Jeffrey Brown, adjunct lecturer, art & art history; MA, Yale Univ.; specialty: architecture Karen Bullock, asst. prof., social work; Ph.D., Boston Univ.; specialty: black experience in social work practice Fabiana Cardetti, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Louisiana State Univ.; specialty: geometric control theory John Chandy, asst. prof., electrical & computer engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois; specialty: computer engineering, architecture Zhiziong Chen, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst; specialty: applied mathematics Joanne Conover, asst. prof., physiology & neurobiology; Ph.D., Univ. of Bath, U.K.; specialty: Biochemistry Michael Copenhaver, asst. research prof., psychology; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic and State Univ.; specialty: clinical psychology Karen Cornetto, asst. prof., communication sciences; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas; specialty: interpersonal communiation David Crow, distinguished professor-in-residence, mechanical engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of Missouri; specialty: gas turbine engine technology Devra Dang, asst. clinical prof., pharmacy practice; Pharm.D., Univ. of Maryland; specialty: primary care Melinda Daniels, asst. prof., geography; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois; specialty: fluvial geomorphology Kelly Dennis, asst. prof., art & art history; Ph.D., UCLA; specialty: contemporary art Dennis Lee, asst. prof.-in-residence, College of Continuing Studies; Ph.D., Bowling Green Univ.; specialty: human resources James Dixon, asst. prof., psychology; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin; specialty: psychology William Fodor, assoc. prof., molecular & cell biology; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ.; specialty: molecular biology Eric Gedajlovic, assoc. prof., management; Ph.D., Concordia Univ.; specialty: strategic management Erasmo Giambona, instructor, finance; Ph.D., Catania; specialty: finance Paul Gilson, instructor-in-residence, finance; B.Sc., Bristol Univ., U.K.; specialty: finance Wendy Glenn, asst. prof., curriculum & instruction; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ.; specialty: English education David Goldhamer, assoc. prof., molecular & cell biology; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ.; specialty: developmental biology Jodi Goodman, asst. prof., management; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology; specialty: organizational behavior & research methods Lynne Goodstein, assoc. vice provost, and director, Honors Program; professor, sociology; Ph.D., City Univ. of New York; specialty: criminology, women's studies Janet Greger, vice provost, research & graduate education and dean, Graduate School; professor, nutritional sciences; Ph.D., Cornell Univ.; specialty: human nutrition Sean Griffith, assoc. prof., law; J.D., Harvard Univ.; specialty: corporate & securities law Mukul Gupta, asst. prof., operations & information management; ABD, Purdue Univ.; specialty: information security Randall Hoyt, asst. prof.-in-residence, art & art history; MFA, Yale Univ.; specialty: graphic/interactive design Xinyu Huang, research asst. prof., mechanical engineering; Ph.D., Virginia Tech.; specialty: fuel cell technology Sanja Hukovic, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Brown Univ. Valerie Johnson, asst. prof., communication sciences; Ph.D., UMass-Amherst; specialty: child language disorders Robert Johnston, assoc director, Conn. Sea Grant Program; asst. prof., agricultural & resource economics; Ph.D., Univ. of Rhode Island; specialty: coastal resource economics Kyungseon Joo, asst. prof., physics; Ph.D., MIT; specialty: experimental nuclear physics Seth Kalichman, prof., psychology; Ph.D., Univ. of South Carolina; specialty: clinical-community psychology Bjorn Kjos-Hanssen, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Univ. of California-Berkeley; specialty: computability theory Kyle Kneisl, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina; specialty: complex dynamics Sung Koo, dept. head & prof., nutritional sciences; Ph.D., Clemson Univ.; specialty: nutritional biochemistry Jeffrey Ladewig, asst. prof., political science; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas; specialty: American politics Hanho Lee, asst. prof., electrical & computer engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota; specialty: computer engineering/VLSI design Margo Machida, asst. prof., art & art history and Asian American studies; Ph.D., SUNY; specialty: Asian American contemporary art Nora Madjar-Nanovska, asst. prof., management; ABD, Univ. of Illinois; specialty: organizational behavior Kerry Marsh, assoc. prof., psychology; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ.; specialty: social psychology Elizabeth Martinez, asst. prof., educational psychology; Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia; specialty: special education Monika McDermott, asst. prof., political science; Ph.D., UCLA; specialty: voting behavior Kevin McLaughlin, instructor-in-residence, finance; ABD, Univ. of Connecticut; specialty: finance, corporate governance Laurent Michel, asst. prof., computer science & engineering; Ph.D., Brown Univ.; specialty: computer science Deborah Moncrieff, asst. prof., communication sciences; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas; specialty: pediatric audiology Michael Morrell, visiting asst. prof., political science; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ.; specialty: political theory Natalie Munro, asst. prof., anthropology; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona; specialty: archaeology Dani Or, professor, civil & environmental engineering; Ph.D., Utah State Univ.; specialty: environmental physics, hydrology Adrian Pantoja, asst. prof., political science and Puerto Rican studies; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate Univ.; specialty: Latino political behavior Vanessa Pelizzon, asst. prof., English; Ph.D., Univ. of Missouri Robert Pomeroy, assoc. prof.-in-residence, agricultural & resource economics; Ph.D., Cornell Univ.; specialty: marine resource economics Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, UTC Professor, computer science & engineering; Ph.D., Harvard Univ. Theodore Rasmussen, asst. prof., animal science; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin; specialty: genetics Ken Reifsnider, professor, mechanical engineering; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins Univ.; specialty: applied mechanics Michael Renfro, asst. prof., mechanical engineering; Ph.D., Purdue Univ.; specialty: diagnostics of combustion systems Nigel Sammes, professor, mechanical engineering; Ph.D., Imperial College, London, U.K.; specialty: materials engineering Rexford Santerre, professor, finance; Ph.D., Univ. of Connecticut; specialty: economics Sylvia Schafer, assoc. prof., history; Ph.D., Univ. of California; specialty: modern Europe/France Freya Schiwy, asst. prof., modern & classical languages; ABD, Duke Univ.; specialty: contemporary Latin America Juliette Shellman, visiting asst. prof., nursing; Ph.D., Univ. of Connecticut; specialty: community health Ronald Squibbs, asst. prof., music; Ph.D., Yale Univ.; specialty: music theory Ranjan Srivastava, asst. prof., chemical engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland; specialty: biochemical engineering Janet Stallaert, assoc. prof., operations & information management; Ph.D., UCLA; specialty: information systems Jiong Tang, asst. prof., mechanical engineering; Ph.D., Penn State Univ.; specialty: vibration Xiuchun Tian, asst. prof., animal science; Ph.D., Cornell Univ.; specialty: physiology Kimberli Treadwell, asst. prof., psychology; Ph.D., Temple Univ.; specialty: clinical child psychology Alexander Vias, asst. prof., geography; Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona; specialty: regional population Guiling Wang, asst. prof., civil & environmental engineering; Ph.D., MIT; specialty: hydroclimatology Mei Wei, asst. prof., metallurgy and materials engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of New South Wales; specialty: biomaterials Sarah Winter, assoc. prof., English; Ph.D., Yale Univ.; specialty: comparative literature Robert Wyss, asst. prof., journalism; MA, Kansas State Univ. Fang Yin, asst. prof., operations & information management; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas Dahae You, postdoctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Purdue Univ.; specialty: probability Zhenbu Zhang, post-doctoral fellow, mathematics; Ph.D., Tulane Univ. Peng Zhang, asst. prof., mechanical engineering; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois Lei Zhu, asst. prof., chemical engineering/materials science; Ph.D., Univ. of Akron; specialty: polymer science Mark Zurolo, asst. prof., art & art history; MFA, Yale Univ. List supplied by the Department of Human Resources. |