August 27, 2001
Busy Summer Bears Fruit,
As Construction Completed
There has never been, nor is there likely to ever be, a summer like
the one currently winding to a conclusion in Storrs.
Five new academic buildings. A new student services center.
Thirteen new apartment buildings and a community center. A new
residence hall. A massive parking garage. Sidewalks, curbing, fire
lines, campus maps and signage. Combined, more than $170 million of
UConn 2000 projects have been completed since May, the most extensive
period of reconstruction in the University's history.
"We were busy in 1998-99, with the chemistry building, South
Campus, and the move to a downtown campus in Stamford," says
Larry Schilling, University architect, "but for sheer cost and
volume, this is the busiest we've ever been."
The new and refurbished facilities will change the way UConn
students learn, live, and conduct business with the University. The
construction also enhances student safety - new water mains will
allow installation of sprinkler systems in all residence halls, and
new sidewalks from Hilltop apartments and the athletic fields to
campus will improve traffic safety. The new facilities also address
several academic priorities, through construction of a fuel cell
research center at the Depot Campus and a new marine sciences
building at Avery Point.
More projects - the University's first on-campus hotel; an
addition to the Centennial Alumni House that will house offices and a
UConn sports museum; and a new home for the UConn Co-op - will open
during the next four months. And work has been restarted on the
Biological Sciences Building, placed on hold more than a year ago
when the University terminated its contract with HRH/Atlas
Construction Co. for delays and shoddy work. The project is slated
for completion by December 2002.
The projects ready for the start of this semester are:
- The first phase of the Wilbur Cross Building renovation, which
offers students the opportunity to conduct virtually all their
business in one location. The registrar, residential life, financial
aid, the bursar's office, deferments, services for disabled
students, enrollment management, the Dean of Students, HUSKYVision,
and cameras for student IDs are all easily accessible, in impressive
new surroundings;
- The new School of Business building, which will host some classes
this week and is expected to be fully operational by the end of the
month, is fitted with high-tech equipment, data jacks and a distance
learning lab;
- The Hilltop Apartments, a 14-building complex between Stadium and
Separatist roads, offers housing for nearly 1,000 students in two-
and four-bedroom apartments, as well as some studios. Across the
street, the new Hilltop suites are housing 450 undergraduate s in
suites with two large bedrooms and a bathroom;
- The former Waring Chemistry Building reopened several weeks ago
after being completely renovated, and now is home to the main offices
of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the departments of
English, geography, and statistics. The facility includes computer
labs located on several floors, new faculty offices, and
- A fuel cell research center was constructed at the Depot Campus.
The 16,000-square-foot building will serve as an incubator, where
engineering faculty and researchers from private industry can
collaborate on fuel cell research - one of the University's
scholarly priorities;
- Another research priority, marine sciences, will take a major
step forward with the opening of a new building that will host
classes for the first time this month. The building, on the Avery
Point Campus, gives researchers well equipped laboratory space,
meeting rooms, offices and classrooms;
- Another new structure constructed on the plaza deck of the Edward
V. Gant Complex will house offices and meeting rooms for faculty in
the Institute of Materials Science;
- A new arena constructed off Horsebarn Hill Road will house
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources events and the champion
UConn polo teams;
- Fire lines were constructed throughout campus and across Route
195, that will allow crews to complete the installation of sprinkler
systems in all campus residence halls. During the summer, sprinklers
were added to the McMahon and Hilltop residence halls;
- A 1,500-space parking garage opened this weekend, adjacent to the
Harry A. Gampel Pavilion. Entrance to the garage is on Stadium Road,
across from Memorial Stadium. Once the new UConn Co-op is completed -
during the semester break - customers will also be able to enter the
Co-op directly from the garage;
- More than a dozen campus maps, mounted on New England-style stone
walls, have been erected in much-frequented locations across campus.
New building signs, featuring the University's logo and each
structure's official name, also have been installed.
Schilling says the large number of projects now coming to fruition
is linked to the University's authority to manage its own
projects, which has made it possible to complete the buildings
remarkably quickly. The Hilltop apartment complex, a massive
undertaking that involved clearing the land and constructing 14
buildings, was completed in just over one year.
Richard Veilleux