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  April 16, 2001


The list of grants is supplied to the Advance each month by the Office for Sponsored Programs. The full list for each month is posted to the Advance website and is printed in one or more issues, according to the space available.

The following grants were received by the Office of Sponsored Programs in March:
(Grants with UConn listed as a sponsor represent a redistribution of a larger award to the University)

Agricultural & Natural Resources
Allied Health

Liberal Arts & Sciences
Social Work
Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Education

Department Prinincipal Investigator Sponsor Amount Award Period
Agriculture & Natural Resources
ANIM SCI Yang, X.J. Transgenic Pets $2,074,547 1/01-12/01
Cat Cloning and Gene Targeting
COOP EXT Broderick, S.H. USDA-Forest Service $95,500 3/01-2/03
Integrating Natural Resource Inventory and Outreach: The Transfer of a Replicable Watershed Model (Co-PI: Worthley, T.)
PLNT SCI Berkowitz, G.A. NSF-Biological Sciences $118,347 3/01-2/02
Plant Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Ion Channels; Structure: Function Analysis of a Newly Identified and Unique Family of Proteins
Allied Health
ALLD HLTH Kerstetter, J.E. Arthritis Foundation $10,000 1/02-12/02
How Does Dietary Protein Affect Bone Health? Epidemiologic Appr Using the Framingham Offspring Study (Grad Asst: Svastisalee, C.M)
EDCI Moss, D.M. NASA $25,000 3/01-3/02
NASA Planning Grant: Learning Community of Today and Tomorrow
EPSY Renzulli, J.S. DHE-Title II Math & Science $20,000 3/01-9/02
Enhancing Geometry with Standards-Based Reflective Practices and Differentiated Instruction
CHEM ENG Mather, P.T. Cornerstone Research Group Inc. $50,000 3/01-10/01
Deployable Electromagnetic Reflectors
CHEM ENG Mather, P.T. Department of Defense-Office of Naval Res. $102,000 4/01-12/01
Combinatorial Processing & Characterization of Nano-Scaled Photovoltaic/Photosensing Devices Using Contact Electrostatic Self-Assembly
CHEM ENG Ivan, J.N. University of Vermont $26,500 9/00-8/01
Deriving Land-Use Limits as a Function of Infrastructure Capacity
COMP SCI Shin, D.-G. NSF-Biological Sciences $450,000 3/01-2/03
Developing a Database Supporting Cell Biology Modeling
ESE Donkor, E. Department of Defense-U.S. Air Force $50,243 3/01-3/02
A 10-Bit 10GSPS Optical ADC for X-Brand Radar Signal Processing
ESE Enderle, J.D. Whitaker Foundation $3,000 3/01-5/01
27th Northeast Bioengineering Conference
ESE Javidi, B. Optimetrics Inc. $51,978 10/00-8/02
Real-Time 3D Target Recognition Using Optical Imaging Systems
MECH ENG Bergman, T. Gerber Technology $7,500 8/00-12/02
Senior Design Projects
MECH ENG Bergman, T. Lucent Technologies $5,000 8/00-12/02
Senior Design Projects
MECH ENG Bergman, T. Solar Dynamics Inc. $5,000 8/00-12/02
Senior Design Projects
Liberal Arts & Sciences
BIOL: EE Jockusch, E.L. NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduates $5,000 1/01-12/01
REU Supplement: A Developmental Perspective on the Evolution of Insect Wings and Imaginal Discs
BIOL: EE Webster, T.R. Department of Higher Education $20,321 4/01-2/02
An Inter-Institutional Project to Promote Technology-Based Learning in Biology (Conn. Talent Program)
BIOL: MC Hightower, L.E. Hartford Hospital $4,480 2/01-2/02
Dev. and Use of an in Vivo Biomonitor for the Characterization of the Cellular Stress Response During Wound Healing (Co-PI: Yang, X. J.)
BIOL: MC Hightower, L.E. Hartford Hospital $20,520 2/01-2/02
Dev. and Use of an in Vivo Biomonitor for the Characterization of the Cellular Stress Response During Wound Healing (Co-PI: Yang, X. J.)
CAP Berescik, M. U.S. Dept. of Ed.-Postsecondary Education $146,791 9/00-9/01
CHEMISTRY Howell, A.R. NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduates $63,331 3/01-2/02
Renewal for the NSF-REU Site in Chemistry at the University of Connecticut
CHEMISTRY Papadimitrakopoulos, F. Chiral Photonics $60,000 3/01-3/02
Semiconducting Cholesteric Metallorganic Assemblies
CHEMISTRY Rusling, J.F. NSF-Social, Behavioral & Economic Science $23,900 10/01-9/03
Bioreactors for Synthesis and Pollutant Decomposition in Microemulsions
COMM SCI Bartlett, S.M Southern Connecticut State University $62,500 7/00-6/05
Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology Scholarships
CSRA Barnes, C. Conn. Department of Social Services $80,000 1/01-12/01
Department of Social Services Childcare (2001)
ECONOMICS Carstensen, F.V. Conn. Office of the Attorney General $4,900 2/01-8/01
Lease Rate Analysis
MARINE SCI Cooper, R.A. Department of Defense - Office of Naval Res. $47,600 2/01-12/01
Charter of the R/V Connecticut in Support of the Project Titled: Observation on Plankton Distribution on Internal Waves
MARINE SCI Monahan, E.C. Cornell University $5,000 10/00-9/01
Connecticut Coastal Clean-Up
MARINE SCI Visscher, P.T. NSF-Biological Sciences $10,000 1/01-12/02
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Microbial Biology for Daniel H. Buckley
PHYSICS Budnick, J.I Inframat Corp. $80,000 3/01-3/03
Fabrication of Nanocomposite Magnetic Cores for High Frequency Electronic Devices (Co-PI: Hines, W.A.)
PHYSICS Roychoudhuri, C. Metal Matrix Cast Composites Inc. $19,000 7/00-4/01
Diode Laser 3D Printing of Ceramics
PHYSICS Roychoudhuri, C. University of Houston $34,983 6/00-2/01
Broad Band Infared Laser Photonics for Spectometric Sensing
POLI SCI Dautrich, K. Rutgers-State University of New Jersey $8,000 2/01-6/01
Work Trends Labor 8
PSYCH Frisman, L.K. Conn. Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Serv. $292,475 9/00-9/01
Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Trauma Disorders
PHARM SCI Pikal, M.J Pharmaceutical Discovery Corp. $800 1/01-12/01
Material Properties of Formulations for Freeze Drying
Social Work
SOC WORK Hesselbrock, M.N. Conn. Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Serv. $132,638 9/00-9/01
Agreement Between the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the University of Connecticut
SOC WORK Hesselbrock, M.N. Conn. Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Serv. $117,416 9/00-9/01
Agreement Between the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the University of Connecticut
SOC WORK Hesselbrock, M.N. Conn. Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Serv. $70,924 9/00-9/01
Agreement Between the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the University of Connecticut
Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Education
ISI Parmelee, L.F. Forbes Inc. $1,000 3/01-3/02
Account for Depositing Revenues Acquired for Publishing Articles
MSTC Babb, I.G. NOAA-Natl. Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin. $20,000 4/01-12/01
The Aquanaut Program: Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
NURC Auster, P. J. NOAA-Natl. Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin. $65,074 1/01-12/01
Assessing Patterns of Biological Diversity at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary