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  February 12, 2001


The list of grants is supplied to the Advance each month by the Office for Sponsored Programs. The full list for each month is posted to the Advance website and is printed in one or more issues, according to the space available. Grants with UConn listed as a source represent a redistribution of a larger award to the University.

The following grants were received by the Office of Sponsored Programs in December:
(Grants with UConn listed as a sponsor represent a redistribution of a larger award to the University)
Agricultural & Natural Resources
Allied Health

Liberal Arts and Sciences
Social Work
Vice Provost for Student Affairs

Department Principal Investigator Sponsor Amount Award Period
Agriculture and Natural Resources
ANIM SCI Darre, M.J. University of Delaware $3,500 10/00-9/01
Web Publication for NE-127 Regional Trust
COOP EXT Arnold, C.L. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency $50,000 9/00-8/01
Dissemination of a Model Urban NPS Program: Year Two
COOP EXT Hirsch, D.W. University of Rhode Island $85,371 9/00-9/03
Using Good Agricultural Practices in Integrate Food Safety Principles into Small Farm Production of Fresh and Minimally Processed Fruit
NAT RES M&E Miller, D.R. Conn. Dept. of Environmental Protection $117,026 3/00-2/02
Estimating the Effects of Connecticut and New England Mercury Emission Controls
NAT RES M&E Yang, X.H. Conn. Dept. of Environmental Protection $82,974 3/00-2/01
Connecticut Nitrogen Monitoring Network
PATHOBIO Geary, S.J. US-Israel Binational Science Foundation $21,437 11/0-10/01
Molecular Analysis of Surface Molecules Involved in Mycoplasma Adherence
Allied Health
ALD HLTH Kerstetter, J.E. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture $54,682 9/00-9/03
Dietary Protein Affects Calcium and Bone Metabolism
CSBDC Gruell, D.R. Fleet Bank of Connecticut $15,000 11/00-10/01
Community Express Program Service Agreement
IMS Boggs, S.A. 3M Co. $62,000 10/00-4/01
System for Measuring Nonlinear Dielectric Properties
EDCI Leu, D. University of Georgia $292,663 9/00-8/01
Best Practices -- Teacher Preparation -- Technology
EDLR Kehrhahn, M.T. Conn. Dept. of Mental Retardation $1,600 5/00-10/00
Department of Mental Retardation, Creating a Learning Environment
CHEM ENG Mather, P.T. Boston Scientific Corp. $22,010 12/00-12/01
Material and Process Development of Shape Memory Polymers for Catheter Applications
CIV ENG Dougan, C.E. Conn. Dept. of Transportation $397,120 10/00-9/02
Use of Dynamic Modulus in Hot-Mix Asphalt Designs
ESE Kirubarajan, T. Qualtech Systems Inc. $29,951 11/00-10/01
Real-Time Onboard and Remote Vehicle Health Management (Co-PI: Willett, P.K.)
MECH ENG Bergman, T. ABB Power Plant Laboratories $12,500 1/00-12/02
Senior Design Projects
MECH ENG Zhang, B. Dept. of Defense-Office of Naval Res. $125,000 12/00-11/01
Study on Grindability of Thermo-Spray Coated Nanophase Materials
Liberal Arts & Sciences
BIOL: EE Holsinger, K.E. New England Wild Flower Society $2,700 3/00-6/01
A Conservation Plan for Castillega coccinea
CHEMISTRY Suib, S.L. Dept. of Energy $112,000 12/00-11/01
Porous Manganese Oxides: Preparation, Characterization and Applications
ECONOMICS Carstensen, F.V. Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas Inc. $16,000 5/00-1/01
Regional Transit Strategy Analysis
GEOG Cromley, E.K. Conn. Dept. of Public Health $12,539 9/00-9/01
GIS for Prevention of Tick-Borne Illness (Year 2)
MARINE SCI Cooper, R.A. NOAA-National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adm. $19,408 1/00-12/00
The Aquanaut Program 2001
PHYSICS Cote, R. . Research Corp $35,000 9/00-8/01
Quantum Information Processing with Neutral Atoms: Study of Ultrafast Quantum Gates Using Ultracold Rydberg Atoms
PHYSICS Haller, K. Dept. of Energy $140,000 12/00-11/01
Investigations in Particle and Field Theory
POLI SCI Gilmour, R.S. Conn. Dept. of Econ. & Community Develop. $15,720 10/00-6/01
DECD Strategic Plan: Research and Development
PSYCH Essock, S. Conn. Dept. of Mental Health & Addiction Serv. $109,586 9/00-4/01
Assertive Community Treatment for the Dually Diagnosed
PSYCH Essock, S. Conn. Dept. of Mental Health & Addiction Serv. $231,051 9/00-8/01
Cost Effectiveness of a Consumer Advocacy Program
PHARM PRAC Reddy, P. Hartford Hospital $2,573 11/00-12/01
Drug Utilization Review of Asthma Treatment in a Medicaid Population
PHARM SCI Kalonia, D.S. Mixed Sources $7,000 12/00-9/01
Purdue/UConn Center for Pharmaceutical Processing (Pfizer Inc.)
PHARM SCI Pikal, M.J. Mixed Sources $7,000 12/00-9/01
Purdue/UConn Center for Pharmaceutical Processing (Pfizer Inc.)
Social Work
SOC WORK Lyon, E. U.S. Department of Justice $347,009 1/01-12/03
Impact Evaluation of Special Session Domestic Violence: Enhanced Advocacy and Interventions
SOC WORK Morales, J. Catholic Family Services $86,280 10/00-9/01
Sub-Contract with Catholic Family Services
Vice Provost for Student Affairs
ISI Timms-Ferrara, L.E. Wesleyan University $2,000 11/00-10/01
Roper Center Membership
