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  November 20, 2000

Activities & Achievements

Entries Welcome

We invite faculty, staff and graduate students from all campuses to submit entries Activities and Achievements. Items must be typed in Advance style and email is strongly encouraged. Send to the Editor at

Articles & Chapters
J. Garry Clifford, Political Science, "Endings and Beginnings," Victory in Europe 1945: From World War to Cold War (University of Kansas Press, 2000), pp. 257-81.

Donald Leu, Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Psychology, "Preparing Students for Their Future: New Literacies for New Times," The Learning Network, an electronic journal.

Stephen Miller, Economics, and Mukti Upadhyay, "The Effects of Openness, Trade Orientation, and Human Capital on Total Factor Productivity," Journal of Development Economics, 63.2 (December 2000), pp. 399-423.

Kathleen Moore, Political Science, "U.S. Immigration Reform and the Meaning of Responsibility," Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 20 (2000), pp. 125-53.

Awards & Honors
A paper by Yan Ling and Gary Powell, Management, "Work-Family Conflict in Contemporary China: An Alternative to the Western Model," was nominated for the Carol Dexter Best International Paper Award at the Academy of Management annual meeting in Toronto in August. At the same meeting, a paper by David Baldridge, Kimberly-Ann Eddleston, and Timothy Golden, graduate students, and John Veiga, Management, "Saying 'No' to Being Uprooted: The Impact of Family and Gender on Willingness to Relocate," won the Best Applied Paper Award from the Careers Division of the Academy of Management. An article by Veiga, "Putting People First for the Organizational Success," co-authored with Jeffrey Pfeffer, published in the Academy of Management Executive 13.2 (1999), pp. 37-48, was voted one of the top three articles published in 1999 by the journal's executive advisory board.

Jennifer Unger, third-year medical student, and Kevin Baran, second-year medical student, received National Health Services Corps scholarships. These highly competitive and prestigious awards will support the students in their studies of primary health care for underserved populations.

Susan Anderson, Philosophy, On Dostoevsky, (Wadsworth Philosophers Series, 2001).

Sarah Glaz, Mathematics, and Scott Chapman, eds., "Non-Noetherian Commutative Ring Theory," Mathematics and Its Applications, 520 (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000).

William Abikoff, Mathematics, gave a lecture, "Symmetry in Geometry and Physics," at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy on Oct. 12.

David Baldridge and Kimberly Eddleston, Management, graduate students, presented a paper "Reluctance to Request Assistance: When Family-Friendly Programs Miss the Mark," co-authored with John Veiga, Management, at the Academy of Management's annual meeting in Toronto, in August. Veiga also served as a mentor for faculty members from Spain in a writer's workshop. At the same event, Kathleen Dechant, facilitated "Co-Creating for Action: A Conversation to Promote Co-Creation, Transfer and Use of Knowledge for Organizational Effectiveness," and "Cross Cultural Organizational Behavior;"Juan Florin, graduate student, presented a paper "Social Capital and Fundability of High Potential New Ventures," co-authored with William Schulze; David Palmer chaired a session that focused on improving future international management conferences; Gary Powell presented "Exploring the Influence on Decision Makers' Race and Gender of Actual Promotions to Top Management," and "When Work and Family Collide: Choices and Conflict Between Competing Role Demands;" Michael Lubatkin served on a faculty panel for the 2000 Business Policy and Strategy Division Consortium for New Faculty and facilitated an interactive paper session, "Mergers, Acquisition, and Trust;" Steven Floyd presented "Building Strategy from the Middle," organized a symposium, "Making Strategy for New Time: Conceptual Challenges and Directions," and facilitated an nteractive paper session on "Strategic Change, Learning and Context." All participants listed are from Management.

Richard Bass, Mathematics, gave an invited address on "Harnack Inequalities: Theory and Applications" at the 23rd Midwest Probability Seminar, at Northwestern University, on Oct 20-21.

Mary Ann Cordeau, Nursing, doctoral student, presented a paper, "From Closet to Cyberspace," at the 17th annual American Association for the History of Nursing conference held at Villanova University on Sept. 23. The presentation featured the artifact collection donated by Joshephine A. Dolan, emerita, to the School of Nursing.

Diana Tietjens Meyers, Philosophy, presented, "Culture, Autonomy and Female Genital Cutting" at two recent international conferences, Gendering Ethics/The Ethics of Gender at the University of Leeds, U.K., and the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics at Imperial College, London, in September. She also presented "Gender Identity and Women's Agency-Culture, Norms, and Internalized Oppression Revisited" to the Gender Studies Program at Cambridge University in September.

Sandy Prisloe, Cooperative Extension System, presented a paper, "A Simple GIS-based Mode l to Characterize Water Quality in Connecticut Watersheds," at the International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environment Modeling: Problems, Prospects and Research Needs in Banff and Alberta, Canada, Sept. 2-8.

Thomas Roberts, English, presented "How Do Experts Learn That Something is Literature?" at the biennial conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature at the University of Toronto on Aug. 3. He also presented "Knowing When a Literary Experience is Aesthetic," at the Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics in New York on Aug. 11.

Professional Societies
Charles Caley, Pharmacy, has been appointed to the board of directors for the College of Psychiatric and Neurological Pharmacists.`

Eleanor Herrmann, Nursing, emerita, was installed as president of the American Association for the History of Nursing at the association's annual conference held at Villanova University in September.

Mary Ann Lally, Human Resources, was elected co-president of Northeast Region I of Pi Lambda Theta, international honor society and professional association in education, for 2000-2002.

Other Activities
Marla Campbell, Pharmacy, was invited to Nova SouthEastern Pharmacy School as a visiting professor. She taught in the school's physical assessment program in September.