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Law Student, Navy Veteran Elected as Trustee
A retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty officer and full-time student at the University of Connecticut School of Law has been elected to serve a two-year term on the University's 19-member board of trustees. Christopher J. Albanese was elected to the post of UConn student trustee by a narrow margin, 200 to 178, over his opponent Storm Nobel, a second semester undecided major. Campaigning on a platform that "students must come first," Albanese says he was motivated to run for the board seat by his concern about the new student conduct code. Albanese says he also is interested in seeking greater student representation on University committees and increased communication with alumni for the dual purpose of job networking and fund raising for minority and merit scholarships. "Alumni relations are very important," says Albanese. "The University has tons of alumni and we should take greater advantage of them, particularly in networking opportunities." Married and the father of a 17-year-old son, Albanese is a native of Redondo Beach, Calif., and received a bachelor of science in history from the University of the State of New York in Albany. A 20-year U.S. Navy veteran, Albanese describes himself as a self-starter. "I decided early on that when I left the Service, I would look to a profession," he says. "I had a natural attraction to law. It's intellectually demanding." Albanese plans to complete his law school studies in 2001, but is already gaining legal experience as a part-time employee in the legal department of the Mohegan Indian Tribe of Connecticut, operators of the successful Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville. The University's board of trustees has two student trustees. Each serves a two-year term. Claudia Chamberlain |