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Articles & Chapters
Robert Coughlin, Chemical Engineering, with Brett Schreyer, former Ph.D. student, "Effects of Stratification in a Fluidized Bed Bioreactor During Treatment of Metalworking Wastewater," in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 63.2, April 20, 1999, 129-40. Linda Pescatello, Allied Health, published a review article, "Exercise Prescription and Management for Cardiometabolic Health" in ACSM'S Health and Fitness Journal, 3, 15-21. Peter Turchin, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, was featured in a section on Chaos in a special section on Complexity, in the April 2 issue of Science magazine. Awards
Polly Fitz, Allied Health, emerita, received the 1999 Distinguished Alumni Award from the Trustees of Penn State University at a dinner on June 5. The award, given for personal and professional achievements, is the highest that Penn Staet bestows upon an alumnus. Books
Richard Bleiler, University Libraries, ed., Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day, second edition (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999), 1,000 pp. Presentations
Lynne Healy, Social Work, gave an invited faculty development institute, with Rosemary Link, titled "Responding to Global Realities Through Integration of International Content into the Curriculum," at the annual program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education in San Francisco in March. At the same meeting, Nina Rovinelli Heller, Social Work, presented an invited curriculum session on "Mental Health Epidemiology;" Waldo Klein, Social Work, presented a paper titled "Civil Rights and Aging: Evolution or Devolution" with Daniel Weisman; Klein also presented a paper entitled "Ranges of Risk: A Continuum Model of Alcohol Use by Elders;" Lirio Negroni-Rodriquez, Social Work, presented a paper titled "Puerto Rican Mothers' Beliefs and Attitudes about Child Discipline and Child Abuse;" and Diane Drachman, Social Work, presented a paper titled "Forces that Influence Policies and Services to Immigrants." Joseph Renzulli, Educational Psychology and Neag Center on Talent Development, "A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships: Developing the Gifts and talents of All Students," at the fifth International Teaching of Intelligence Conference, San Francisco, Calif. Frank Stone, Education, emeritus, gave an invited presentation on "Armenian Education at American Schools in Western Turkey: 1865-1921 -- Anatolia College, Merzifon and the Sivas Teachers' College," at the Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces Seminar on Lesser Armenia at UCLA, May 15-16. John Veiga, Steven Floyd, and Kathleen Dechant, Management, presented a paper, "The Technology Acceptance Model: Toward a Cross-Cultural Perspective," at the Eighth Annual International Association for Management of Technology in Cairo, Egypt, on March 15. Floyd also chaired a session titled, "Issues in Management of Technology for Developing Nations." Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith, University Registrar, presented "Approaches to the Selection of Student Information Systems" at the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers conference in Charlotte, N.C., in April. Ron Wikholm, Chemistry, presented "The ACS Organic Exam -- A Treasure Trove of Information," at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, Calif., on March 23. Other
Alexandros Makriyannos, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Molecular & Cell Biology, convened the eighth Cyprus Conference on New Methods in Drug Research, held in Limassol, Cyprus, in March. The conference, on developments in the field of drug discovery, was attended by more than 120 scientists from around the world. Judy Preston, Greek Life, was invited to participate in a Robert Wood Johnson think tank on binge drinking among Greeks, May 20-22. William Stwalley, Physics, served on the International Scientific Committee of the Workshop on Cold Collisions: Formation of Cold Molecules, in Les Houches, France, March 1-5. Stwalley also now serves on the International Program Committee of the International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes and on the Schawlow Prize Committee of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society. Professional