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Students selected for Scholars Program
February 9, 1998

Nineteen top students have been accepted into the University Scholars Program, the University's most prestigious and demanding academic program for undergraduates. Once selected, the University Scholar candidate is allowed to pursue an academic program tailored to his or her unique intellectual interests and abilities. Upon successful completion of the student's plan of study, he or she will be declared a University Scholar at Commencement.

"Students who have been accepted into the University Scholar program have agreed to be individualists in the best sense," says Ernie Zirakzadeh, director of the Honors Program. "They have chosen to spend three semesters studying a personally important topic in depth, from multiple perspectives and with an unusually open mind. I am inspired by their self-directedness and by their passion to learn," he says.

Betsy A. Alspaugh Major: Elementary Education Project: "Equality in Education: Mainstreaming Strategies and Hearing-Impaired Children" Advisor: Timothy Reagan, Curriculum and Instruction
Nirav Chawhan Major: Accounting Project: "Creating Competition: A Comparative Study of Valuation and Privatization " Advisor: Katherine Campbell, Accounting
Robb D'Ambruoso Major: Political Science Project: "Protecting Our Environment: The Question of Legal Enforcement" Advisor: Martha Gibson, Political Science
Lisbeth Dizney Major: Elementary Education and American Studies (Individualized Major) Project: "What's the Solution: Policies and Programs in Connecticut to Encourage Girls in Math in Grades K-8" Advisor: Sally Reis, Educational Psychology
Karen Erickson Major: Nursing Project: "Family Traditions and Child Rearing: The Lived Experience of Latina Adolescents Successful with Breast-Feeding" Advisor: Cheryl Tatano Beck, Nursing
Amy Lynne Fleischer Major: English and Sociology Project: "Censorship of Literature: An Examination of School Policies on 'Objectionable Literature'" Advisor: Jonathan Hufstader, English
Lindsey Anne Hescock Major: Art as Non-Verbal Communication (Individualized Major) Project: "Art as Non-Verbal Communication: Puppetry, Linguistics, and Studio Art" Advisor: Bartolo P. Roccoberton, Jr., Dramatic Arts
Lisa LeBlanc Major: Chemistry Project: "A Study of a Possible New Set of Antibiotics: The Biological Activity of Beta-Lactams" Advisor: Amy Howell, Chemistry
Jeremy Ledger Major: Biological Sciences Project: "Threats to Marine Food Chains: The Effect of Toxic Dinoflagellates on Two Copepods" Advisor: Hans G. Dam-Guerrero, Marine Sciences
Alyssa LePine Major: Latin American Studies Project: "Educating Citizens: Form and Function of Civic Education in Argentina and Mexico" Advisor: Elizabeth Mahan, Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Lai Ting Loule Major: Pharmacy Project: "A Scientific Perspective on Herbal Medicine: Chemical Bases for the Putative Antimicrobial Activity of Gotu-kola" Advisor: James Henkel, Pharmacy
Rebecca L. Martello Major: Diagnostic Genetic Sciences Project: "Decoding Delinquent DNA: Identification and Analysis of Novel Gene Mutations in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis" Advisor: Martha Keagle, Allied Health
Brendan R. McMullen Major: Pathobiology Project: "Unknown Organisms: Identification and Characterization of a Spirochele Found in the Skin of Cattle" Advisor: Sandra L. Bushmich, Pathobiology
Julissa Nixon Major: Psychology and African Diaspora Studies (Individualized Major) Project: "Distorted Mirrors? Mass Media's Effect on the Personal Development of African-American and Puerto Rican Children" Advisor: Michelle Williams, African-American Studies
Pavel Okunev Major: Mathematics Project: "Making Enormous Equations Manageable: The Puzzle of LU Factorization and Other Computational Methods in Linear Algebra" Advisor: Michael Neumann, Mathematics
Maria Jeannette Sanabria Major: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Project: "Sweet Food Industry: Improvement of the Conversion of Glucose to Fructose Through the Use of Supported Enzyme Catalysis" Advisor: Steven Suib, Chemistry
Dishant Shah Major: Biological Sciences Project: "The Brain's Response to Acupressure-like Somatosensory Signals in the Barn Owl" Advisor: Andrew Moiseff, Physiology and Neurobiology
Brent Vander Wyk Major: Cognitive Science (Individualized Major) Project: "Modelling the Brain: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Neural Networks" Advisor: Jay Rueckl, Psychology
Amy Watkins Major: Human Development and Family Relations Project: "The Politics of Domestic Violence: A Critical Examination of Thurman v. Torrington" Advisor: Preston A. Britner, Family Studies