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Y2K? Why Indeed!
February 9, 1998

Mark J. Roy

No doubt you have heard about the "Year 2000 problem" that is haunting computer programmers and anyone associated with computers.

While the programmers are working away, there is something you can do to check the compatibility of your own PC for the Year 2000.

Announcing the UConn Opportunities Listserv!

Are you tired of waiting for the printed copy of the UConn Opportunities Bulletin? The University now offers a listserv for job opportunities that can be delivered to your e-mail account once a week. This service will allow you to receive current job posting in a more timely manner than ever before. What's more, this posting is available not only to state agencies and job placement organizations but to anyone with an e-mail account.

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The University Computer Center is now offering a program, YMARK2000, that will test your personal computer's ability to support Year 2000. You can download the software, which comes from the National Software Testing Laboratories, from the UCC's website [No longer available]. The page is titled "Checking Your Desktop/Personal Computer for Year 2000."

Nick Lovelace, who heads the HELP Desk at the University Computer Center, says the program - recommended by the state of Connecticut's Y2K Program Office - has been tested by the computer center and found to be effective. He adds that although the tests performed by this program are not all-inclusive, failure to pass these tests does indicate there's a problem with your PC.

The program can also be downloaded directly from the NSTL web [No longer available.] site, or you can get a diskette with the program and documentation on its use from the Help Desk. You can also obtain the program from the FTP server at: [No longer available]

One note: the test is performed in DOS. Follow the instructions found in the accompanying "README" file.

Questions about Year 2000 issues should be directed to Elaine David, UCC Year 2000 project coordinator.