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Activities and Achievements....October 27, 1997

Preston Britner, Family Studies, and N.D. Reppucci, "Prevention of child maltreatment: evaluation of a parent education program for teen mothers," in Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 165-75.

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Activities and Achievements highlights the range of faculty, staff, and graduate student accomplishments, and the Advance invites you to submit your own entries. Style guidelines are available from the Advance. Entries typed according to these guidelines are welcome and will be published as space permits and in the order in which they are received. E-mail submissions are encouraged and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Omara-Otunnu, editor, compiles this section and questions may bedirected to her at (860) 486-3530.

Thomas Chen, Molecular and Cell Biology and Biotechnology Center, and Hans Laufer, Molecular and Cell Biology, had their work in aquaculture described extensively in an article in Genetic and Engineering News, September 1, 1997.

Richard Vengroff, Political Science, and Elisabeth Gidengil, "Representational gains of Canadian women or token growth? The case of Quebec's municipal politics," in Canadian Journal of Political Science, September 1997, pp. 513-38.

Preston Britner, Family Studies, is co-author of N.D. Reppucci, Preston Britner, and J.L. Woolard, Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect through Parent Education (Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 1997).

Karen File, marketing, is co-author of Karen File and Russ Prince, Building Your Business (HNW Press, 1997).

Howard Reed, emeritus, history, served as guest editor for the Middle East Journal's special issue on Turkey, Vol. 51, no. 1, 1997, 174 pp.

Zbigniew J. Witczak, School of Pharmacy, has been elected to the editorial board of Current Medicinal Chemistry.

Preston Britner, Family Studies, gave an invited address on "Foster care and the family" at a Perspectives on the Family symposium at Hampden-Sydney College, Va., in October.

Professional Societies
Richard Vengroff, Political Science, has been elected vice president of the American Council for Quebec Studies.

Zbigniew J. Witczak, School of Pharmacy, has been appointed to the ad hoc peer grant review committee of the chemistry section of the National Science Foundation.

Other Activities
Howard Reiter, Political Science, spent eight days in South Korea in late September and early October, delivering eight lectures on U.S. politics under the auspices of the U.S. Information Agency. These included the keynote address to the Regional Seminar on the Role of Trade and Economics in National Politics and a presentation to a panel of the Korean Political Science Association.