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University bids farewell to retirees
Departures offer chance to review programs

Nearly 400 UConn employees, including 113 faculty, took advantage of the Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP) offered by the state this summer, temporarily depleting the University's ranks but also offering a rare opportunity for restructuring and focusing the institution.

"We are losing many fine colleagues and friends, folks who have given much of their lives to serving the University of Connecticut," says Mark Emmert, chancellor and provost for university affairs.

Retirees for August, 1997
Joseph Alston, facilities management, Stamford campus; Carol Arnold, chemical engineering; Gerhard Austin, modern &classical languages; Hilton Banker, marine science &technology center; Robert Bard, school of law; James Barrett, Agriculture &Natural Resources; Lester Bassett, facilities management; Flora Bellman, dining services; Richard Benoit, facilities management; William Bessette, facilities management; Janet Bilodeau, cooperative extension; Raymond Blanchette, university relations; Dorothy Bognar, university libraries; Charles Boivin, transportation &parking services; Janet Boker, accounts payable; Gene Bowen, office of the dean of students; Joan Bowley, CT small business development center; Janice Brady, nutritional sciences; Garry Brodsky, philosophy; Carol Brolin, biology central services; Arthur Brown, facilities management; Mary Buck, school of social work; Cynthia Burdsall, credit programs &continuing studies; David Camaione, sport leisure &exercise sciences; Rita Carbone, residential life; Richard Carterud, grants &contracts; Patricia Chamberland, accounts payable; Carol Charter, cooperative extension; Gerald Chaviaras, facilities management; Jack Chinsky, psychology; Robert Climan, police services; Anne Cobb, payroll; Jose Colon, student activities &union programs; Joseph Constantino, facilities management; Eunice Costello, health systems management; Sally Crosthwaite, career services; Judith Cruthers, facilities management; Eugene Curran, mail services; Dolores Cydylo, mail services; Virginia Dailey, cooperative extension; Maurice Dancosse, facilities management; Ronald Dangelo, facilities management, Waterbury campus; Richard Danis, university affairs &provost academic affairs; Peter Decarli, facilities management; Joan Dempsey, dining services; Anna Desrosiers, budget; Anthony DiBenedetto, chemical engineering; Sandra Dietz, cooperative extension; Angelo Dimauro, instruction, Torrington campus; Dolores Dominique, residential life; Louisette Doyon, facilities management; Delia Dubois, health services; Joyce Edwards, student activities &union programs; Mary Enos, grants &contracts; Mario Fiasconaro, facilities management; Joyce Flynn, facilities management; Joan Ford, facilities management; Susan Fortier, residential life; Theresa Fournier, university relations; Alfred Gaddy, police services; Georgianna Gagne, transportation &parking services; John Gammerino, chemistry; Robert Garceau, facilities management; Joseph Gaskell Jr., rental properties, Avery Point campus; Sue Gibbs, university libraries; Benson Ginsburg, psychology; Marie Gionfriddo, school of law; Rita Gonzalez, facilities management; Patricia Gordon, residential life; James Gorman, facilities management; Ann Gray, student affairs &services; Patricia Grenier, residential life; Gerald Hall, facilities management; Janet Hall, anthropology; Donn Herindeen, Jr., police services; Maria Hermann, university libraries; Jaime Hernandez, residential life; Eleanor Herrmann, nursing; Anne Hill, office of the registrar; George Hill, public service; Robert Hill, facilities management; William Hipsky, facilities management; Leonard Hodgson, dining services; Arthur Hoglund, history; Robert Hollis, facilities management; Jean Hopkins, graduate school; Audrey Jarrelle, family studies; Stephen Johnson, environmental health &safety; Thomas Jones, Jr., curriculum &instruction; Leo Joyal, facilities management; David Kapp, university libraries; Jean Kappers, business administration; Erika Kares, plant science; Judith Kenney, purchasing; Lamia Khairallah, physiology &neurobiology; Timothy Killeen, liberal arts &sciences; Soon Kim, mathematics; Helen Koehn, university libraries; John Kolano, admissions &orientation; Arlene Kramer, facilities management; Noella Larrow, office of the bursar; Hans Laufer, molecular &cell biology; Edeltraud Laurin, credit programs &continuing studies; Ronald Lemire, facilities management; Linda Lester, Ratcliffe Hicks school of agriculture; Robert Lester, Booth research center; Josephine Licata, facilities management; Terrell Lockwood, accounting; Lois Logan, grants &contracts; Richard Long, civil &environmental engineering; Bernard Lovell, computer science &engineering; Thomas Maclure, facilities management; Margaret Maldonado, accounts payable; Nancy Manley, mathematics; David Markowitz, physics; Gerald McCarthy, transportation institute; Fred McCrillis, facilities management; Gary McCurdy, natural resources management &engineering; Ruth McCurdy, computer science &engineering; Shirley McFadden, school of education; Arthur McGrade, philosophy; Earl McReynolds, facilities management; Ruth Mead, counseling program for intercollegiate athletes; Alexander Melvan, facilities management, Avery Point campus; Malcolm Merrill, marine sciences &technology center; Blanche Meyers, credit programs &continuing studies; William Mihancki, facilities management; Richard Mindek, physics; Mary Monagas, facilities management; Pamela Mote, office of the director, Stamford campus; Ethel Murdoch, agricultural publications; Madeline Nasansky, economics; Miriam Navarro, cooperative extension; Jerome Neuwirth, mathematics; William Newman, sociology; Marilyn Noronha, university libraries; Rodney Nosal, facilities management; Marion Ogden, dining services; Shirley Ogozalek, student affairs &services; Roberta Orne, nursing; Jean Ouellette, facilities management; Thomas Paterson, history; Diana Perry, dining services; William Perry, locksmith services; Judy Perugini, instruction, Waterbury campus; Jeannie Pogmore, geography; Eugene Policelli, career services; Donald Potter, metallurgy; Carlene Prentice, pharmacy; Lieselotte Provost, dining services; Theresa Pudlo, telecommunications; Virginia Pyle, music; Laura Raccagni, university libraries; Kenneth Randolph, communication sciences; Marie Roulier, office of the registrar; Harold Rowe, facilities management; Helen Russo, credit programs &continuing studies; Shirley Ryan, office of the president; Phosey Saba, mail services; Ajara Sattar, biology central services; Maria Schadt, admissions &orientation services; Todd Schuster, molecular &cell biology; Helen Schweitzer, health services; Jacqueline Seide, residential life; Florence Selleck, political science; Edgar Sellers, graduate school; Nancy Shea, personnel; Giovanni Sinicropi, modern &classical languages; Joan Slowik, engineering; Sharon Smalley, Booth research center; Ken Smith Jr., professional development; Barbara Sochor, computer center; John Soracchi, institute of materials science; Maryann Stygar, dining services; Theodore Swol, institute of materials science; Catherine Talbot, communication sciences; Angela Terry, student affairs &services; Lamar Thomas, family studies; George Timmins, purchasing; Mary Tokes, biotechnology; Ann Turley, social work; Frederick Turner, political science; George Turner, facilities management; Betty-Jane Udal, office of the bursar; Sandra Ulrich, communication sciences; Carmen Vance, residential life; Kay Warren, university relations; Charles Watkins, fire department; Terry Webster, ecology &evolutionary biology; Doris Wellnitz, instruction, Torrington campus; Beverly West, animal science; Robert Wiecenski, facilities management; Florence Williams, cooperative extension; Theresa Williams, office of the president; Daniel Wilson, facilities management; Patricia Woodworth, nursing; Frances Woody, communication sciences; Tsu-ju Yang, pathobiology; John Yanouzas, management; Angela Yorwerth, library, Stamford campus; Martha Yutzey, university libraries; Elizabeth Zahansky, payroll; Anna Zigadlo, residential life; Rose Zoldak, telecommunications.

He says the retiring employees will be missed. These people served the University well, some of them for more than a quarter century, and they deserve our thanks. We are losing a great deal through these retirements - skills that will not easily be replaced; institutional memory that will take years to regain; and we all are losing colleagues and friends," he says.

Emmert says officials have taken steps to lessen the impact of the 379 departures. Those steps include providing deans, directors and department heads with funding, based on the number of retirees in each area, that will allow temporary refills of some positions. Academic departments received $20,000 for each departing professor, which can be used to retain the professors or hire temporary replacements on a per course basis. Based on this capacity to fill gaps temporarily, combined with a number of recent full-time appointments, including about 60 faculty, he says he is confident that disruptions will be kept to a minimum.

Emmert adds, however, that the large number of retirements, coming from all corners of the University, offers UConn a rare chance to review the organization of each of its programs and to move more quickly toward fulfilling a number of the objectives laid out in the Strategic Plan. The opportunity is heightened by the convergence of the retirement plan; the best state funding package the University has seen since 1989; the elimination, by year's end, of the University's operating deficit; and the excitement surrounding major construction projects tied to the UConn 2000 initiative.

Add to that mix the debut of a new decentralized budget process that puts much of the decision-making power in the hands of the deans, directors and department heads who best understand the needs of their unit - and UConn finds itself at a historic point.

"These opportunities result from thoughtful planning and the hard work of many people, combined with good timing," Emmert says. "It is a great chance to move the University forward."

Decisions regarding the specific reallocation of resources are being driven by the University's priorities as described in the Strategic Plan, which include:

  • emphasizing the undergraduate experience, including the honors program, the freshman experience, and the Center for Undergraduate Education;

  • increasing the University's efforts to recruit high-achieving students and to further diversify the student community;

  • strengthening the University's professional schools, particularly the schools of business, pharmacy and law, by adding faculty and programs that will help bring each to the forefront;

  • enhancing the University's partnership with the state through the Critical Technologies program and a greater emphasis on applied research and technology transfer;

  • strengthening selected graduate and research programs;

  • supporting the regional campuses, especially the major programs and capital projects under way at the Avery Point and Stamford campuses;

  • and developing a program assessment process that will help officials evaluate the needs of academic programs, identify targets and opportunities for development and improvement, and further refine the allocation and reallocation of resources.

Emmert says requests by academic departments for budget increases will be based on a variety of performance measures and related factors, including staffing levels, research and scholarly productivity, enrollment projections, admissions data, and information on student perceptions of departments drawn from exit interviews with graduating seniors.

"This period offers UConn its largest and best opportunity ever to move resources into high dividend areas within the institution," he says. "We have a chance to pause, look at our priorities, look at our performance and, without disrupting people's lives, personally or professionally, to move forward in a positive way."

Richard Veilleux