Charles Yarish, professor of ecology and
evolutionary biology at the Stamford campus and an authority on
seaweed, was featured in a Hartford Courant story about
nori, a seaweed that can be eaten ... Narasimhan
Srinivasan, associate professor of marketing, was quoted
in a Boston Globe article about the changing scope of auto
retailing ... Katherine Pancak, assistant director
of the Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies, commented
about real estate proposals in the Record-Journal of
Meriden ... Richard N. Dino, executive director of
the Institute for Developing Entrepreneurial Advantage, co-wrote an
op-ed in The Hartford Courant about Connecticut"s
insurance status ... Mary Ellen Brigham, a
professor of management, shared her expertise with the
Record-Journal of Meriden about a store that sells only
lightbulbs ... James DeFronzo, associate professor
of sociology, talked about how violence on television can affect
children in a Connecticut Post article ... Regina
Barreca, associate professor of English, and Irene
Quong Conlon, director of UConn's Office of Diversity
and Equity, were quoted in a Hartford Courant article
about faculty-student sexual relationships ... Richard
Long, professor of civil engineering, explained how to get
out of quicksand in Men's Fitness magazine.
